To purchase the books "The Power of Perception" and "The Poetic Realities, The Poetic Fantasies" please visit Laren Grey Umphlett's Amazon author page:

Monday, May 26, 2014

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds

An excellent documentary explaining the higher orders of consciousness.

Part One- Akasha

Part Two- The Spiral

Part Three- The Serpent and The Lotus

Part Four- Beyond Thinking

The official Inner Worlds website:
Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds

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Monday, May 19, 2014

Bucky Fuller on Self-discipline

I assumed that nature would "evaluate" my work as I went along. If I was doing what nature wanted done, and if I was doing it in promising ways, permitted by nature's principles, I would find my work being economically sustained—and vice versa, in which latter negative case I must quickly cease doing what I had been doing and seek logically alternative courses until I found the new course that nature signified her approval of by providing for its physical support. Wherefore, I concluded that I would be informed by nature if I proceeded in the following manner:
(A) committed myself, my wife, and our infant daughter directly to the design, production, and demonstration of artifact accommodation of the most evident but as-yet-unattended-to human-environment-advantaging physical evolutionary tasks, and 
(B) paid no attention to "earning a living" in humanity's established economic system, yet 
(C) found my family's and my own life's needs being unsolicitedly provided for by seemingly pure happenstance and always only "in the nick of time," and 
(D) being provided for "only coincidentally," yet found 
(E) that this only "coincidentally," unbudgetable, yet realistic support persisted, and did so 
(F) only so long as I continued spontaneously to commit myself unreservedly to the task of developing relevant artifacts, and if I 
(G) never tried to persuade humanity to alter its customs and viewpoints and never asked anyone to listen to me and spoke informatively to others only when they asked me so to do, and if I 
(H) never undertook competitively to produce artifacts others were developing, and attended only to that which no others attended then I could tentatively conclude that my two assumptions were valid: (1) that nature might economically sustain human activity that served directly in the "mainstream" realization of essential cosmic regeneration, which had hitherto been accomplished only through seeming "right-angled" side effects of the chromosomically focused biological creatures; and (2) that the generalized physical law of precessional behaviors does govern socioeconomic behaviors as do also the generalized laws of acceleration and ephemeralization.

For more about Buckminster Fuller:

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Cross-hatch Multiplication

Cross-hatch multiplication is great for children to learn to get a deep rooted understanding of multiplication. Here's a ScienceDump article all about it:

How to multiply numbers by drawing lines

Mathematician and game theorist Presh Talwalkar demonstrates how to multiply numbers using straight lines on a piece of paper. This "trick" is rumored to be one of the ways Japanese students learn to multiply, and it will work with any two numbers.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

For or Against?

Hello apes!

Today I've been thinking about the things I don't like and the things I do like, and trying to keep the scales of my world tipped to the positive side.

The world is an awful place. Actually, the world is a great place, but human society is an awful place in many ways.
We want to fix the world we live in, but we do so too often by being against something we see as an injustice and it can consume our souls and rot us from the inside out. That's a case of good intentions gone bad.
Everyone knows the world is full of bad and wrong. We each do not possess some secret knowledge of this that we must spread with maniacal fervor. Bad people and wrongdoings are many and we ALL deal with it every day, but it could be better to be in support of the good more than to be against the bad. This is not to say we shouldn't spread awareness of the bad, but it can ruin our lives and happiness and it should be balanced with AT LEAST a 2:1 ratio of positive to negative. Our perpetual efforts to fix the world through being against
injustice does not spread positivity but can actually propogate more dismay. Wrongs should be righted, but mounds of right should pile high for all to see. Should the beacon of hope we set out for our fellow humans be about all that is wrong in the world, or all that there is to embrace with joy and awe?
A fire can provide warmth and light, but an out of control fire can burn the world.

So as we gain knowledge of the ills of the world, and as we spread that awareness, we must keep our eye on the main prize- happiness. We can turn the empty pits into sludge pools of anger, or we can turn them into lifegiving ponds of beauty. It's a responsibility and something to be practiced. Spread more positive perspective than negative, and the world will eventually become a more pleasant place to live in.

As an example, we have a toxic food industry. We can scream and yell about it all we want, and nothing will change. But if we switch from being less against what is wrong to more in favor of what is right, then we can change the way things are. If you promote organic farming and food and purchase organic food, and encourage others to do the same, you will create a demand that will create a change. You can see it happening already in almost any store. Organic is growing.
That's just one example of many of how we can create greater change with positive awareness rather than negative confrontation. This is not to say that we shouldn't be against the wrong, but we should be more in favor of what can be right. I can offer a middle finger as good as the next guy, but more often I try to offer a double thumbs up.

"Be careful when you fight monsters, lest you become one." -Friedrich Nietzsche

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