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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Life Doesn't Suck

Why your life doesn't suck...

Everyone is stressed out. It isn't just you. You aren't special in that way. But what are we so stressed about? What were we stressed about then? What will we be stressed about when?

Stress reactions are natural and necessary to the organism. Without a sense of concern we might stand indefinitely on a pile of fire ants. However, as the human condition wanders more astray from natural life we find a complex situation in which our "survival reactions" (stress) becoming overloaded. This is irrational and can only be tempered by being aware of the psychological phenomenon. Hence this article.

When one begins to live an elevated mindset these petty concerns (delusions) are realized and dissolve into their necessary place. This could be called "liberation" through an understanding of the mind. It isn't always all roses and honey though. It is often a balancing act. We wobble and fumble and then we quit. What is it that compels us to quit freedom and serenity? We do this in many aspects of life. In physical fitness and health, for example, many humans will quit if it isn't done perfectly. This is called "falling off the wagon". We assume that if we aren't doing it perfectly then it isn't being done and it isn't worth doing. Could you imagine an Olympic gymnast on a balance beam being successful with such a foolish assertion? The balance of life isn't perfect, but it doesn't mean that life is awful.

There is a long and varied list of awesomeness to be experienced -a whole planetful actually. So why do so many people cling to misery? Most problems aren't problems. You can simply walk away from most "problems" (delusions) and find new and amazing adventures in every day life. Considering the alternative, why not truly live life? Why not let go?

Whatever you stressed about a week ago, or a year ago, is now utterly absurd. Whatever you will stress about a week from now or a year from now is completely a 99% of situations. Stress is necessary, but chronically and grossly overdone. The stress you put yourself through over nothing is more impactful than the stress our ancestors endured when they encountered a saber toothed tiger. It has even been shown that the average commuter in traffic endures more stress than a fighter pilot in combat, simply because the commuter has no recourse to take. But they do! You can design your lifetime circumvent unnecessary stressful complexities and you can design (choose) a mind that better deals with such complexities. Life is worth living. It is a choice. Why choose otherwise?

The only necessary (primal) stresses are rationally and reasonably related to food, shelter, water, love, and health/safety. Everything else is fringe and can be redesigned, redesignated, or let go.

"Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without." -Eustace Conway

“Wherever you are, be there totally. If you find your here and now intolerable and it makes you unhappy, you have three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally” 
-Eckhart Tolle

What about a quick fix? You may need a quick fix to jolt you out of temporary insanity. There are many ways. One idea would be to step outside to observe and listen to birds. It is IMPOSSIBLE to truly observe birds and remain in a bad mood. Perhaps you can go stargazing, swimming, running, or hiking in nature. These acts of re-routing the mind involve changing the environmental experience around you into a direction beyond the trap of the pettiness our minds enslave us with.

Thomas Harris created an outline of four life positions we can find ourselves in (or choose to be in):
  1. I'm Not OK, You're OK (lower consciousness, bowing, submissive)
  2. I'm Not OK, You're Not OK (lower consciousness, fear, retreat)
  3. I'm OK, You're Not OK (lower consciousness, aggressiveness, control)
  4. I'm OK, You're OK (higher consciousness, friendly, even level)

There is happiness within the reach of your senses, but only if you are willing to see.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
-Albert Einstein

Certainly there are naysayers that would say to me, "Yeah, that's all fine and good, but you don't know what I'm going through", but I know that deep down inside you know that I'm right. Most problems aren't problems. We all go through them, problems and non-problems. We aren't special in that way.

"Do what you love. Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it, and gnaw it still." -Henry David Thoreau

Laren Grey Umphlett (@LarenUmphlett)

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