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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

5 Solutions to The Human Dilemma

The human dilemma injects a human flaw into otherwise sensible systems and circumstances. We taint everything from belief to politics to our food industry. Corruption and greed prey on ignorance and indifference. The battle can be won from person to person. You can't improve the world if you can't improve yourself. If everyone on Earth understood and practiced the following principles it would drastically alleviate human and world suffering. The world is ready to evolve. Why not live better?

1. The study of General Semantics and the expression and translation of thought and meaning.
We live in a very psychologically reactive society. This leads to violence and oppression. We think we are right and want to impose our will on others, instead of loosening our own walls to allow understanding and blending.

"The map is not the territory." -Alfred Korzybski

2. The regular practice of meditation. Settling the mind into its natural state.
This will alleviate the general anxiety and agitation the mind experiences daily. Meditation should be the single most important part of your day. A frazzled mind leads to a frazzled world. Humans have a deep habit of hanging on dearly to suffering. This causes more suffering.

"The flowering of love is meditation." -Jiddu Krishnamurti

3. Scientific literacy and elevated education. It's a big interesting world, be a part of it.
By remaining ignorant we can be taken advantage of by nefarious powers that are fueled by greed and power. Become wild and free by expanding the boundaries of your cage through knowledge and wisdom. Science explores the beauty of the nature we are a part of.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -Albert Einstein

4. Dropping Aristotelian logic and western duality in favor of non-duality, such as found in Buddhism.
Letting go of certainty is liberating. There is no black and white, but plenty of gray. When you realize that you don't know, and that no one else really knows you will become free and immune to authority.

"In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true." -The Buddha

5. Teach others. Teaching is the greatest way to learn and the greatest way to turn on a lightbulb in another mind.
We can always improve our weaknesses through teaching. We can also make new discoveries. Minds awaken and transform.

"We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves."
-Galileo Galilei
It is time for the next step in human evolution.

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