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Sunday, April 27, 2014

20 Reasons You Are Doing OK Today

1. You woke up to a sunny day, cloudy day, or rainy day. It doesn't matter which.

2. You have an organism of physical and metaphysical sensory inputs that allow you to connect with Nature and other beings beyond words.

3. You (likely) aren't starving to death. Today you will eat something delicious and satisfying.

4. You can choose to see the sunset or sunrise or the phases of the moon and stars.

5. You have a roof over your head (or not). It doesn't matter.

6. You have a passion for something. What it is doesn't matter. It serves as your contribution in return for the air you breathe.

7. You are mentally and physically fit and functioning within your capabilities and limitations.

8. You have access to nature, conversations, music, books, documentaries, and the internet. You can learn anything you wish.

9. You get to see the beauty of your life support system -animals, insects, trees, plants, flowers, clouds.

10. You have access (and choice) to clean water and healthy food.

11. You are repeatedly doing the most important thing in your life -breathing.

12. At every moment something amazing falls before you, and with an ever-increasing awareness they are available to enhance every simple moment of your experience.

13. You have a mind capable of great love, great knowledge, great creativity, and the natural state of meditation.

14. You have evolved from an expansive reality. The Universe led to you.

15. Your faults and failures are the rushing river carrying you to a sea of success.

16. You are capable of experiencing beauty by stretching your mind beyond the limited surface level perceptions of reality. Beauty is beyond the observation of things. It is a relationship.

17.You feel more pain than you create.

18. You feel love.

19. You are not too hot and not too cold. You are a warm soup of mind, body, and soul, perfectly seasoned with the spices of dreams and imagination.

20. You are unique. Everything about you and around you is impermanent.

"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." -Lao Tzu

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