To purchase the books "The Power of Perception" and "The Poetic Realities, The Poetic Fantasies" please visit Laren Grey Umphlett's Amazon author page:

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Picking Up Higher Frequency Thought Patterns

Picking Up Higher Frequency Thought Patterns

“My brain is only a receiver. In the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge and strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” –Nikola Tesla

 I have good news and bad news. The good news is, your thoughts are not YOUR thoughts. The bad news is, your thoughts are not YOUR thoughts. Now this is good news because we’ve all been the recipient of one of those really strange demented thoughts that kind of scares us for a second because we’re like, “Did I REALLY just think that??” Well, yes, the thought happened, but lucky for you it was not actually your mind coming up with it. The reason this is bad news is because while our ego would like to claim and take ownership of all those really cool aha moments as if we came up with them completely on our own, most likely you didn’t. It’s probable that someone else somewhere has had that exact same thought or idea at some point. Now I say “probable” because there are rare occasions of “original” thought, as in the case of someone like Albert Einstein or someone that finds the theory behind a really complicated math equation, or physics discovery. So unless these are the types of things you are generating in your mind, it’s safe to say that your thoughts are not completely original. Carl Jung used the term “collective unconscious” to describe this vast collection of every single thought, idea, belief, etc… that any human being on the planet has ever had. And it is because there is this database, so to speak, that houses all thought forms that are and ever have been, that we are able to call upon knowledge and wisdom that may be floating around in this encyclopedia of thought forms. If we think of our brains like a receiver and transmitter, we can see that we can receive thoughts from the collective unconscious, and also we can transmit thoughts as well. You’ve probably picked up millions of “thoughts” from the people around you and they from you without ever even realizing it. Once we realize that we can “tune in” to thought patterns, just like a radio, we come to the question, “how do I pick up higher frequency, more productive, and positive thought patterns?” Well, that all depends on what station you’re on…

“You are the creator of your own experience. You live in a vibrational universe. You have control of the signal you emit.”-Abraham-Hicks

 You may have heard by now that all matter (including our physical bodies) is just energy vibrating at a certain frequency. The higher our vibration is, the more we are in alignment with things like health, happiness and inner peace. When our vibration is lower we may experience more bouts of depression, anger, fearful thoughts and illness. Every thought form that comes into our minds is based purely in energy as well. Everything, is just energy at its lowest form. Energy always attracts like energy. Which means when we stay focused on negative, low-vibratory thought patterns, we attract more of the same. And vice versa with higher, more loving thought patterns. If we can think of our level of vibration as the “station” that we are tuned into, we see that the more we sit in stressful, negative, or dark thoughts and actually give them our attention, the more we will draw these types of thoughts to us. Which means, the one thing you probably try to do when you get a negative thought, which is try to get rid of it by either condemning the thought as “bad”, or forcing it out of your head by replacing it with another thought, is the one thing that actually keeps it coming back. If you’ve ever tried to NOT think about something, you realize… that is all you will think about! The point is not to ONLY have positive thoughts, because as we all know that is not always going to be possible. But the point is, to only give your conscious attention and beliefs to those thoughts that seem productive and pleasurable. The more we give THOSE thoughts our attention and belief, those are exactly the ones that will amplify. The more we sit in higher vibration more loving thoughts, we start listening to that “happy, loving radio station” which means we start picking up all thoughts that are aligned with that vibration station. If we come across a thought or thought pattern that seems fearful in nature or detrimental to our well-being… let it go. Have the thought. Accept it. Surrender to it and observe it without judging it (it wasn’t YOUR thought anyways, so what’s to judge?) The energy of acceptance keeps us in high vibration, while resisting, criticizing and judging ourselves or the thought lowers our vibration. We notice that when we stop BELEIVING the fearful thought patterns, they stop coming around so much.
 When we become rooted in our true self, which is the awareness behind our thoughts rather than the thoughts themselves, we are more able to put space between us and our thoughts. Meditation is key in doing this, because it gives us a chance to not only be in solitude, away from distraction, but also gives us a chance to observe our predominant thought patterns from this place of pure awareness. We can only change our “station” when we are aware of what station we are even on to begin with. The act of raising our vibration proves to be a fruitful endeavor. Not only do we realize we become happier, and more rooted in our most authentic selves, but also that we naturally train our minds to see the good in situations. The mind will automatically start to extract what’s going “right” for us and what we can be grateful for, rather than immediately picking out the flaws in any given circumstance. High vibrations attract more high vibrations. Happiness attracts more happiness. Love attracts more love. Which sounds exactly like the station I want to be on… how about you?

To read more articles by Nikki Sapp visit her blog at and see her contributions at Fractal Enlightenment

Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Conversation Between A Cock, A Donkey, And A Farmer

A Conversation Between A Cock, A Donkey, And A Farmer
by Laren Grey Umphlett

A cock, a donkey, and a farmer were sitting around a table one day. This is how the conversation went.

Donkey: "See that glass on the table? What's that clear liquid in it?"
Cock: "I don't know. It might be milk. Farmer, do you know?"
Farmer: "It's not milk." (*referring to white cow milk)
Donkey: "You can't say it's not milk. You don't know what it is!"
Cock: "I believe it's milk."
Farmer: "I don't know what it is, but it's not milk."
Donkey: "Why are you being so hostile and negative? He can believe it's milk if he wants to. Just because YOU don't think it's milk doesn't mean it isn't. It could be anything, so you can't say it's not milk."
Cock: "Yeah! You are being closed-minded."
Farmer: "No. I'm not being closed-minded or negative. We can know what something isn't without fully understanding what it is."
Donkey: "How can you say it isn't milk?"
Cock: "Yeah!"
Farmer: "It's not only not milk. There are many things it isn't. For example, it isn't the Eiffel Tower, it isn't a kitten, it isn't a school bus, and it isn't milk. Milk is white. We can know what something isn't even if we don't understand what it is."
The farmer leans back into his creaking chair.
Cock: "Sounds like closed-mindedness to me."
Farmer: "No. Closed-mindedness is when one continues to believe something in light of the understanding that what they believe isn't actually true. It's an open mind that explores the possibilities and discards what isn't possible. In this case, milk is white. The liquid in the glass is clear. Therefore.."
Donkey: "This is ridiculous. I believe what the cock believes, and I will drink it to prove it to you!"
Farmer: "Experience is the best teacher! Go for it!"
The donkey takes a sip and coughs and kicks frantically all around the table. 
The farmer howls with laughter.
Cock: "What is it???"
Farmer: "It's turpentine! I was going to strip the paint off this table to refinish it! Instead this became a nice lesson in how belief inhibits the possibilities of the yet unknown truth!"

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Laren Grey Umphlett interview

"The Poetic Realities, The Poetic Fantasies" interview with Laren Grey Umphlett:

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Textbooks For Life And Living


To function maximally physically one must consume high quality food and exercise the body.
To function maximally psychologically one must consume high quality information and exercise the mind.
If more people than not read the following book list we would find a world transformed and transcended beyond its own confusion.
These are the textbooks I recommend for graduating to higher levels of life and sanity.

 The Bhagavad Gita

Excellent teaching for non-religious philosophy as well as religious practices. As with all religious texts there is more gained when read metaphorically rather than literally.

Tao Te Ching

As with many old texts there are many translations. All translations are imperfect, even from English to English and person to person! Interpretations may be tricky, and you may read passages from the Tao Te Ching multiple times and gain multiple insights. Never read with the blinders of dogma and certitude.

Science and Sanity

"Science and Sanity" by Alfred Korzybski outlines the tools and practice of General Semantics. It is a very long and difficult book to read. I have read it in bits and once from cover to cover. Alternatively I would suggest reading "Drive Yourself Sane" by Susan Presby Kodish and Bruce I. Kodish.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

This ancient text contains 196 sutras of Raja Yoga that can each be used as a tool towards higher mind.

Prometheus Rising and Quantum Psychology

When most people think of Robert Anton Wilson they think of his surrealist fiction books such as "The Illuminatus Trilogy" and "Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy". I find great understanding in his non-fiction psychology books. They are great tools for understanding the mind and unconvincing yourself of that which your brain tricks itself into thinking it knows. Understanding the functions of the mind and belief can help dissolve the ego fiction that rules the mind.

Freedom From The Known

Everybody's favorite anti-guru lays out a great lecture on embracing uncertainty in this mind-expanding classic.

Walden and Civil Disobedience

Henry David Thoreau wrote "Walden", a transcendental observation of reality from his two year experiment of semi-isolation. It will offer an entirely new way of seeing your own world.
"Civil Disobedience" will transform your understanding of the importance of freedom and resistance to anything or anyone who wishes to impose upon your freedom. It greatly influenced Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr in their struggles against oppression.

The Book

Alan Watts was a great bridge between East and West thought. He was quite eloquent in his speaking and writing. Many think "The Book" is his best work. It covers topics that will take the reader out of daily petty concerns and into a bigger picture.

Critical Path

Buckminster Fuller's writing can be tough to read but well worth the endeavor. In "Critical Path" he discusses the importance of taking care of our world and the importance of taking care of each other instead of only self concerns.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


It's easy as abc...
a. Post an entertaining and thought provoking photo or meme (humor is a plus).
b. Include the hashtag #ApesGoneAskew (link to is a plus).
c. Share on social media (facebook pages, facebook groups, or twitter). Spread it far and wide!
The winner(s) will get a free copy of "The Poetic Realities, The Poetic Fantasies"!
This is an ongoing contest.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A Left and Right non-Euclidian Perspective

Robert Anton Wilson
Left and Right: A Non-Euclidean Perspective

Our esteemed editor, Bob Banner, has invited me to contribute an article on whether my politics are “left” or “right,” evidently because some flatlanders insist on classifying me as Leftist and others, equally Euclidean, argue that I am obviously some variety of Rightist.

Naturally, this debate intrigues me. The Poet prayed that some power “would the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us”; but every published writer has that dubious privilege. I have been called a “sexist” (by Arlene Meyers) and a “male feminist ... a simpering pussy-whipped wimp” (by L.A. Rollins), “one of the major thinkers of the modern age” (by Barbara Marx Hubbard) and “stupid” (by Andrea Chaflin Antonoff), a “genius” (by SOUNDS, London) and “mentally deranged” (by Charles Platt), a “mystic” and “charlatan” (by the Bay Area Skeptics) and a “materialist” (by an anonymous gent in Seattle who also hit me with a pie); one of my books has even been called...

Read the rest of the article: