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Monday, March 2, 2015

Trataka Meditation

I am an advocate of exploring meditation methods. Over the years I have practiced several methods using various tools- music, mandalas, images, symbols, mantras, bells, candles, and binaural tones.
Binaural tones are a favorite, but recently I broke me earphones so I decided to get back to something I used to practice regularly: Trataka Meditation, candle gazing.
"Trataka" in Sanskrit means "to gaze". It is a yogic method of meditation that basically involves gazing at a lit candle.

Here are some simple steps:
(There are many different methods)

1. Place a lit candle a few feet in front of you at a comfortable chest or eye height.

2. Assume a sitting meditative posture. Relaxed. Straight spine.

3. Begin breathing (natural or controlled "pranayama" methods).

4. After several breaths close your eyes and remain focused on the image of the flame "burned" into the rods and cones of the eye. Continue breathing.

5. After several breaths open your eyes and continue breathing.

6. Repeat.

This method offers focus and an altered state of consciousness and meditative brainwave states. Vary the practice to find the best results.


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