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Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Argument Against Evolution

You've got to admit that the argument against evolution is extremely weak. It's about as strong as the position of the Flat Earth Society or people who don't believe in gravity.
Here are a couple of points made against evolution:
First, we have witnessed and documented evolution.
Second, humans are still evolving.

This is probably the dumbest and most irrational thing ever uttered by a human. It's amazing to think that this would sound reasonable to any grown adult with enough intelligence to be capable of tying shoes.

If you do not believe in evolution (because it doesn't fit your particular "system" of indoctrination) you are suffering from dogmatic mental delusions and a rigid perspective of reality not based on reality. This isn't a matter of respecting beliefs, it's a matter of the dangers presented to society by false beliefs. Yes, beliefs held and taught are dangerous to the sanity of society. Abandon or change any beliefs in the light of new information. Alter your personal system of belief instead of adhering to one error within it for the sake of the whole, 
In other words: EVOLVE.

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