To purchase the books "The Power of Perception" and "The Poetic Realities, The Poetic Fantasies" please visit Laren Grey Umphlett's Amazon author page:

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Top 6 Interesting Internet Articles From Today 11/30/2013

Awesome Scientist Quotes

"In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes; so with present time." -Leonardo da Vinci

"The Sun, with all the planets revolving around it, and depending on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as though it had nothing else in the Universe to do.” - Galileo

"God not only plays dice, He also sometimes throws the dice where they cannot be seen."  -Stephen Hawking
"An American monkey, after getting drunk on brandy, would never touch it again, and thus is much wiser than most men."  -Charles Darwin

"Love is metaphysical gravity." - Buckminster Fuller

"What is a scientist after all? It is a curious man looking through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature, trying to know what’s going on." - Jacques Cousteau

"Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation... even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind." -Leonardo da Vinci 
"Formal symbolic representation of qualitative entities is doomed to its rightful place of minor significance in a world where flowers and beautiful women abound." - Albert Einstein

"I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road." - Stephen Hawking

"I know of no time in human history where ignorance was better than knowledge." -Neil deGrasse Tyson

Thursday, November 28, 2013

ANNOUNCEMENT! Top 10 Posts (coming soon)

At random times I will posts "Top 10 Web Articles". It will contain links to 10 very interesting web articles/blogs that will cover philosophy, meditation, life, psychology, nature, yoga, science, culture, hacks, food, metaphysics, etc.

Please let me know if you have suggestions for articles in these topics.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Something Strange is Afoot in The Dusty Corners of Quantum Reality/Non-reality

Some Basic Qualities of Quantum Physics
“Something Strange is Afoot in The Dusty Corners of Quantum Reality/Non-reality”
(or “What The Hell Is Going On Here?!”)

Something strange seems to be afoot. I'm not a scientist, and although the operations of both physics and quantum physics can be expressed scientifically and mathematically, quantum physics can also be "understood" (somewhat) conceptually, philosophically, and experientially/existentially. Although, it could be stated that no one actually can understand or explain quantum physics beyond certain aspects of it. Most of quantum physics is a mystery beyond science and happens in the metaphysical realms. This is why Quantum Physicists and Neuroscientists often seek out Buddhist monks or Yogis to better understand Quantum Physics and the mind on conceptual levels, since the answers aren't only found in science. You don't need to be a scientific mathematician to understand the physics of throwing a ball or playing music, and you don't need to be a physicist to get a loose idea of the strangeness of quantum physics. I will try to explain in simple terms. As science improves and metaphysics becomes more reasonable the two fields get closer to each other. Of course, putting anything into the limited constructs of words or symbols makes it immediately misunderstood due to the limitations of language (communication and interpretation) which are merely symbols of thought, and thought being a limited process of trying understand (make order of) that which is beyond comprehension (beyond order). The more we know the less we know. In a nutshell, I/we/you/me/us/them/he/she/they/him/her don't know what the hell is really going on.

Deep. Yeah. I know. Actually, I don't know. That's the beauty of it.

Western mindsets are typically conditioned to "is/or" thinking. If something is one way then it must be another, but this isn't true in reality beyond our gross surface level experience. In other words, we think we know what we are talking about, but we don't. Our mentality of certitude makes it harder to grasp concepts beyond true or false, real or not real, right or wrong, black or white, is or isn't, yes or no, good or bad, near or far, etc, etc, etc and we assume one of the two possibilities logically to be right and true. This is called duality, a false pretense itself, as logic isn't always logical and is often clouded by our beliefs, perceptions, understandings, experiences, limitations, certitudes, and judgments. So to better understand reality it is best to step outside of this mentality of absolutes.

Classical Physics, as realized by Isaac Newton, Galileo, and Kepler, explains the mechanical operations of the macroscopic physical world as we experience it though our immediate senses. Quantum Physics explains that all matter is energy, and the operations of standard physics do not apply at the quantum level. The functions that make up reality are quite strange and dependent upon consciousness and observation. The simple act of looking at a flower has a deep and bizarre background of events beyond our ability to fully comprehended. Many ancient people understood the principles of quantum physics, if not mathematically, conceptually. We larger lobed primates have a hard time understanding quantum physics because we are conditioned to understand reality on the macroscopic immediate level in which we experience. Basically, all of experiential reality depends upon your perceptions of it.

Here are some brief simple outlines of some interesting aspects of quantum physics:

UNCERTAINTY, or the opposite of what is known.

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle states that the location and speed of a particle (electron, photon, etc) can not be precisely known simultaneously. The more that is known of the location of a particle, the less can be known of the speed, and the more that is known of the speed of a particle, the less can be known of its location.

An analogy of this behavior would be like throwing a ball at a target, but once delivered the ball vanishes and is in several possible locations at once with varying probabilities of where or when it may land. Knowing one or the other attribute of its location or speed will lessen the certainty of other attribute.

Electrons can be in multiple places at once. They skip and jump, and they pop in and out of existence.


Everything is in a state of probability until observed or measured. Nothing actually "is". Then it collapses into an order of existence that consciousness can relate to. Without observation energy/matter can only have a probability of where (1st, 2nd, and 3rd dimensions) or when (4th dimension) it may or may not manifest. Energy exists in probabilities and functions in unknowable action unless observed or experienced.

PARTICLE WAVE FUNCTION, a two for one deal!

Energy acts as both waves and as particles depending on the observation. It is both until some measurement or observation causes the particle/wave to "decide" to act as one or the other. How can something be a wave and a particle at the same time? This is the big question. It's like trying to comprehend a light being on and off at the same time. Which is it? It's both! Right?

SCHRÖDINGER'S CAT. No cats were harmed.

Erwin Schrödinger proposed a mental experiment to explain the superposition of wave/particle duality. He said that if you were to put a cat in a box with a poisonous mechanism that offered a 50% of killing the cat or not, the cat, when unobserved, would be in a state of both alive and dead until the box was opened and the cat was observed. Then the condition of the cat would collapse into being either alive or dead. The condition of the cat would be in a state of superposition until observed.

ENTANGLEMENT. Forever touched.

Particles can interact and become entangled. Einstein called this "spooky action at a distance". When particles become entangled, they can become separated by any cosmic distance, and with no connection at all an action on one particle will effect the other particle. The particles are "entangled" and function together instantly regardless of distance or time.

Entanglement is the basis for quantum computation. Quantum computers will operate with qubits (quantum bits) of entangled particles instead of standard bits of our standard computers. A standard bit is an information relay that is either a 1 or a 0. The combinations of these 1s and 0s make up more complex information. The qubit can be a 1 or a 0 or any level between 1 and 0. This makes computation possibilities exponentially faster. A computation that would take standard computers a longer amount of time than known time would take seconds with an advanced quantum computer. As an example, a quantum computer would contain all books ever written, and all books that ever will be written, laying dormant in superposition waiting to be observed.

FRACTALS. Partially and wholly.

Fractals are self-similar repeating patterns that repeat into themselves infinitely and mathematically. Since reality is information, it can be expressed mathematically. In nature there are repeat fractal patterns, but they reach limits because of the imperfection of macroscopic existence. This can create what we perceive as beauty and what we experience as order out of chaos. Fractals aren't directly related to the study of Quantum Physics, but they are a mathematical example of infinity.

THE HIGG'S FIELD. Not a baseball stadium.

The Higg's Field is a field that interacts at varying degrees with subatomic particles to give them mass. Some have no interaction ( no mass) and some have a lot of interaction (lots of mass). Its a bit like drag, some things react with wind with heavy resistance, and some things are more aerodynamic and experience little resistance. It's a bit more complex than this though. The field is made up of bosons that do all of this rather mysteriously.

This field can be known as Akasha in Vedic sciences, as The Great Spirit in Native American cultures, as The Tao on Taoism, as Kami in Shintoism, as The Force in Star Wars, and by many other names in various cultural perspectives. We don't need to go into the multitude of cultural identities to understand that there is a field underlying reality that gives it it's "realness".

NEUTRINOS. Trillions of little cartoon characters that defy the laws of physics.

Right now at this very instant trillions of subatomic particles known as Neutrinos are blasting through your body and the planet with no interaction as if we aren't even there, as if you were invisible; as if you are completely irrelevant. The mass of the atomic structures of your body does not seem to interact at all with the structure of Neutrinos. They are a fundamental particle of the Universe, and we know very little about them.

What's up, Doc? Well, it's not totally certain, but Nature has everything it has for a reason. Nothing is ever out of place, even if it makes no sense to us. Neutrinos are an extreme example that things are going on not only beyond our immediate sensory world, but quite far beyond our immediate sensory world.

One thing is certain about the nature of reality, that something strange is afoot, something far beyond that which we think we know and the level in which we think of (and experience) reality. We continue on thinking in our small immediate limited terms, seeing only a very small fraction of reality that our senses can experience and our minds can comprehend. Just as you can only see a very small spectrum of the wavelengths of light, you also only experience a very small portion of reality. It is an interconnected complexity and deeper than our comprehensions. This is something many physicists, naturalists, transcendentalists, Sufis, mystics, spiritualists, Buddhists, yogis, psychics, acid freaks, and various artists have been able to understand throughout history.

Consciousness is the Universe observing itself, and the observer is never separate from the observed, the experiencer never separate from the experienced, and the self never separate from the external. As soon as you think you know, you don't.

Laren Grey Umphlett

Thursday, November 21, 2013

My Expression

In my writing and artwork I attempt to blend the deep philosophical mindset with the artistic mindset, to express each simultaneously and together as a rich observation of experiential reality.

The artistic process is a living flowing creation of no end. It extends far beyond the medium and physical completion, and is never finished. The new life is then beyond its physical existence and takes on the duties of the metaphysical. The absorption of artistry is a continuation of the process. It's the heart beating, like a birth not being the end, but a beginning of a life that will grow and breathe. The completion of the artist's creation is the beginning of the art's life, therefore making the observer the heartbeat of the art, without whom a creation is only stillborn. The artist fades into irrelevance as the expression takes its journey, like a bird flying away from its nest to find its own life. In this case to find it's own life in the interpretations of the minds of multiple experiencers.

My writing can be found here...

My artwork can be found here... 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


"Progress is staggered, never linear. There are no straight lines in nature."
- Laren Grey Umphlett -The Poetic Realities, The Poetic Fantasies (coming soon)

Get Your Copy of "The Power of Perception"

Get your copy of "The Power of Perception" on Amazon in print paperback or Kindle format.



Monday, November 18, 2013

A Course in Consciousness

I highly recommend this course from The University of Virginia.


Useful Websites For Life!

We live in an extended mind beyond our immediate senses. Our world has expanded into an ever shrinking world. Tools are helpful for forging a mind and life in this modern world. Here are some useful sites.

1. Khan Academy. I'm big on autodidaction. I feel that study should be lifelong and beyond the boundaries of degree requirements and job prerequisites. Education should be about building a person, not just getting a job.

2. Quora. You thought your mom and dad had all the answers? Nope, but what if they did? Enter Quora. Ask anything!

3. Spreeder. I'm a firm believer that words should be consumed like a fine food. I often read at the narrative pace of David Attenborough or Morgan Freeman, but there is sometimes a need for hogging down information like a ravenous beast devours a fresh kill. In this case Spreeder teaches how to read  with speed and efficiency.

4.  Information is Beautiful. For the visually minded it can be important to season bland food with some visual spices. This site offers information in the form of beauty, making it easier to digest.

5. Marc and Angel Hack Life. Hack hack hack away, gently and softly. Learn ways to take the path of least resistance and enjoy the scenic route.

6. How Stuff Works. Know how it works and how it can work for you!

7. OneLook. A dictionary search that becomes an online superdictionary.

8. The World Factbook. Information about anything you need to know. I'm obsessed with knowing whatever enters my senses. Way back in the day as a kid I had to walk two miles up hill in the snow to get to the library to look up things I was curious about. Now it is at our fingertips and equals 1,000,000X the information of an old school local library. The CIA will be watching, so make sure it's all innocent stuff.

9. Topsy. Find out what is trending or being discussed in your subject of curiosity.

10. Skype. We should have had video phones by the year 1999. Now that we do have them they are severely underused. People would rather pay for a phone than use a free video phone. Where's the

11. wikiHow. Expert Village. YouTube. It used to be that we had to find a teacher to teach us something. Now we can find teachers for anything. We can now be an apprentice to thing we could never have learned before.

12. The obvious. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn for keeping in contact with friends and connections. This makes life simpler by gathering everyone in one place and keeping everyone informed about what you are doing and your interests, as well as keeping up with the interests and doings of friends. Many people live far away. Social media brings them home. Hootsuite is a dashboard for managing them and scheduling tweets and posts.

13. Goodreads. It should be called "Greatreads". Everyone should read more. You can find the right books here.

14. wikiQuotes. Great quotes to inspire and induce good thoughts.

Laren Grey Umphlett is a meditation enthusiast, connoisseur of anything interesting and the artistic process, extreme fitness trainer, and author of "The Power of Perception"

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Expanded Consciousness: 10 Thing That Will Make You Happier, Backed By Sci...

Expanded Consciousness: 10 Thing That Will Make You Happier, Backed By Sci...: Written by Belle Beth Cooper I would love to be happier, as I’m sure most people would, so I thought it would be interesting to fin...


I am looking for guest blogs for this blog site.
I will include contact info to promote your site, blog, or business.
The subject matter can cover meditation, yoga, philosophy, psychology, mind, nature, the esoteric, mysticism, art, science, motivation, life hacks, and related subjects.
Please contact me at with the subject "guest blog".

I am also interested in writing guest blogs or articles for your blog or website.


Friday, November 15, 2013

Austin Fitness Training | Sensible Being Fitness: Wisdom of the Transcendentalists

Austin Fitness Training | Sensible Being Fitness: Wisdom of the Transcendentalists: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Evolution Factoids

Affirmations Are The Journey

Affirmations in life are our self designed guideposts of our journey. Without intention we can not create our reality. It is left up to the crashing courses of others. This is wholly unavoidable, like getting wet in a river, but learning to swim will be a part of the experience. That can keep one safe and maximize living.
Without the intention of affirmations we become painters without a medium. Our expressions externally into a world we know is necessary becomes limited. An adaptable blueprint and foundational mind are part of designing and building a monumental life, but the design is free of form. Affirmations are a journey of the experience of life. As we should well know, the journey is as much or more of a part of the experience of life than the destination. It could be understood that a destination is never actually reached and therefore the entire process of living is only an experience. Creation/destruction ensures a constantly flowing and fresh source of experience. This is why "letting go" is such an important part of experience.
Our goals will be blocked and hindered often by invisible hands, both our own and those crafty and sometimes nefarious hands of others. This is where the skill of bobbing and weaving can come into play instead of just taking the blows. Life will beat you down if you don't move towards experience and the artistic process of living.
Our attachments to systems, structures, styles, and beliefs are the cages that inhibit flight. You belong to nothing except that to which you are tricked into believing. There is a world beyond what you know, and it is an amazing world that wants to be touched.
Affirmations, plans, goals, dreams, and intentions should be adaptable in their journeys. Without the various means of trial and error, and discovery, no spaceship can be built that will reach the stars. Similarly, the experience of  nature can not be found in a book or in a chair. One must affirm to themself a desire for the experience and then act upon such intentions by seeking out the experience of  the journey, which all destinations are. The process itself, artistically, mathematically, scientifically, psychologically, will be the destination, and a less frantic pace will be kept. In the true moment of experience we can not trip over our own feet, but in the frantic clamoring for absolute destination we will constantly struggle and fall. Just as the race between the tortoise and the hare, we will reach our experiences with intention and action as long as we enjoy the journey.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Consciousness of Animals

Consciousness creates reality, as some of us know, and as science and mysticism/metaphysics understands. Evolution creates varying levels of intelligence and consciousness in the minds of various beings on Earth. Humans are understood to be of the highest conscious order, but many are psychologically blocked from elevated mentality by being chronically trapped in thought process.
It is important to remember that humans are animals and only one step in an evolutionary process.

Here is a great article about the view of consciousness in animals from many in the science community...

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Some books go beyond simply being read. Some are read for a lifetime and for the rest of human existence. For me, I can pick up "Walden" by Henry David Thoreau and read any part of the book. I've been doing so for over twenty years and I will do so for twenty more. "Walden" is my bible. Every sentence is quotable. It is perfection and the greatest book ever written in my opinion.

"Walden" is a rich analysis of life and living written by transcendentalists Henry David Thoreau. It's an account of two years of simple living by Walden Pond near Concord in the mid 1800s.

Pick it up, turn to any page, and you will find a new way of seeing the world, comparable and relevant to any of the great books of history.

FREE Kindle version  of "Walden"

FREE PDF version of "Walden"

About Henry David Thoreau

"A truly good book teaches me better than to read it. I must soon lay it down, and commence living on its hint. What I began by reading, I must finish by acting."
-Henry David Thoreau


Link up with me on Facebook...

Expanded Consciousness: 11 Easy Ways To Meditate (Even If It Seems Impossi...

Expanded Consciousness: 11 Easy Ways To Meditate (Even If It Seems Impossi...: By  Kristen Hedges via MindBodyGreen When I recommend meditation to my stressed-out clients, they often open their eyes wide and scrun...

Monday, November 4, 2013

Expanded Consciousness: 15 Reasons to Start Following Your Dream Today

Expanded Consciousness: 15 Reasons to Start Following Your Dream Today: By Izmael Arkin via Tiny Buddha   “One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” ~Unknown Do y...

Surprising Book Facts

"Books, not which affords us a cowering enjoyment, but in which each thought is of unusual daring; such as an idle man cannot read, and a timid one would not be entertained by, which even make us dangerous to existing institutions—such I call good books."
-Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Book Reviews

I have been getting great book reviews and feedback about "The Power of Perception".

I need at least 20 reviews on Amazon, and I know that way more than 20 people have read it.

If anyone has read my book please leave a review on Amazon.
If you have not read my book,
why not?

Thank you.

The Next Level

Surface level new thought spirituality is popular in America these days (Eckhart Tolle, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, etc),
but if you really want to get to the deeper levels of mind (other than meditation or drugs) then I recommend a serious study of the following writers...
Bertrand Russell
Joseph Campbell
Aldous Huxley
and the writings of The Vedas

and any deep science (geometry, natural sciences, astrophysics, quantum mechanics, physics, evolution, psychology, metaphysics, paganism, naturalism, parapsychology, tribal understandings, etc)

These recommendations are like supplementary study aids.
Everyone should be increasing their mind daily and practicing meditation.