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Friday, November 15, 2013

Affirmations Are The Journey

Affirmations in life are our self designed guideposts of our journey. Without intention we can not create our reality. It is left up to the crashing courses of others. This is wholly unavoidable, like getting wet in a river, but learning to swim will be a part of the experience. That can keep one safe and maximize living.
Without the intention of affirmations we become painters without a medium. Our expressions externally into a world we know is necessary becomes limited. An adaptable blueprint and foundational mind are part of designing and building a monumental life, but the design is free of form. Affirmations are a journey of the experience of life. As we should well know, the journey is as much or more of a part of the experience of life than the destination. It could be understood that a destination is never actually reached and therefore the entire process of living is only an experience. Creation/destruction ensures a constantly flowing and fresh source of experience. This is why "letting go" is such an important part of experience.
Our goals will be blocked and hindered often by invisible hands, both our own and those crafty and sometimes nefarious hands of others. This is where the skill of bobbing and weaving can come into play instead of just taking the blows. Life will beat you down if you don't move towards experience and the artistic process of living.
Our attachments to systems, structures, styles, and beliefs are the cages that inhibit flight. You belong to nothing except that to which you are tricked into believing. There is a world beyond what you know, and it is an amazing world that wants to be touched.
Affirmations, plans, goals, dreams, and intentions should be adaptable in their journeys. Without the various means of trial and error, and discovery, no spaceship can be built that will reach the stars. Similarly, the experience of  nature can not be found in a book or in a chair. One must affirm to themself a desire for the experience and then act upon such intentions by seeking out the experience of  the journey, which all destinations are. The process itself, artistically, mathematically, scientifically, psychologically, will be the destination, and a less frantic pace will be kept. In the true moment of experience we can not trip over our own feet, but in the frantic clamoring for absolute destination we will constantly struggle and fall. Just as the race between the tortoise and the hare, we will reach our experiences with intention and action as long as we enjoy the journey.

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