"The Power of Perception" is a unique book that blends deeper understandings with the experience of life. The purpose of human life is survival, art, expression, relation, and love. How do we enhance the art of living? How do we evolve psychologically? How can we better relate to the world and our society? How do we connect to nature?
The main goals of "The Power of Perception" are:
- To encourage people to think and experience in elevated ways. Intelligence does not always equal elevated thinking.
- To convince the convinced to be less convinced.
- To bring levels of consciousness to functional levels to deal with the complexities of the human condition.
- To trigger psychological evolution.
- To encourage people that the truth they experience is a collective map of imprints and inputs and is not an absolute perspective of reality.
- To entertain as well as enlighten.
- To emphasize the importance of love, art, and experience.
- To motivate life and living.
What is The Power of Perception?
The Power of Perception is not exactly a new age book, a self-help book, a "new thought" book, or a spirituality book, and although motivating at times, it isn't really a motivational book.
The best way to explain this book is that it is an entertaining blend of optimistic lecture and engaging prose that observes the uncertainty of certainty and the certainty of uncertainty...a next step into the depths for the newly awakened.
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Laren Grey Umphlett
Laren Grey Umphlett is a student of the world, fitness trainer, yoga enthusiast, wrestling coach, nature lover, writer, artist, semi-rationalist, and sometimes pseudo-philosopher.
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