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Friday, December 13, 2013

Self-Realization vs. Narcissism

Self-Realization vs Narcissism

The understanding of the self does not exclude the self from the nature of reality which is a part of the self as much as the self is a part of the nature of reality. This principle can be easily summed up in the visual symbol of the yin and yang as well as in the self-repeating and self-similar patterns of physical and mathematic reality.

All of us, to some degree, experience a perception of ourselves from a position of self-doubt, attachment to social complexes (comparison), and the limited abstractions we make of our reality. These observations of the self create limited constructs. The self extends beyond the box we fit ourselves in.

Narcissism is a false self-assertion to cover and soothe the psychological fears of lack in our comparisons of the self to others and our experience of reality. A narcissist will see the self as a separate from everything. This is a delusional self defense mechanism. The narcissist plays the game of feeling superior to others and makes attempts, often successfully, to take from the world. These are affirmations to alleviate the deep pain of comparison and confusion within the lost ape condition. From here the narcissist/sociopath disregards the unity of everyone and everything and does not care about the consequence to others. The necessity of self gain at all costs overshadows the need to give in return. This lost ape mentality (importance of self above others) chooses to beat the "lesser apes" down with a stick to take all the bananas for himself/herself.

Self-realization, or self-actualization, is an entirely different path of self acknowledgement. This observation of the self leads to enlightened states of being, creativity, true joy, and richness of the experience of life. This state of self awareness does not separate the self from the external. The internal and external enter into a deep relationship that allows the giving of the talents and beauty of each person. The experiencer is part of the experience. This includes all that is experienced or can be experienced, both physically or metaphysically.

The expression of the self can be particularly challenging for artists, writers, teachers, and performers who must find a confidence in the self to promote what they feel inside. There is a major difference between a self-motivated politician promoting for gain and an expressive artist self promoting for gain. The artist needs the gain of giving their essence, where the narcissist needs the gain period. We are each a gift to the world at the root of our being, but the complexities of the human condition often block a true sense of self.

We can see our relationship to reality as two observational acts:
1. Reaction (separateness-judgment)
2. Interaction (connectedness-understanding)

The heightened experience of reality is a deep connection to nature, art, and the minds of others. The awareness of connection allows the mind to be free in a vast pool of everything, whereas the separated self is confined to a small muddy puddle. When the mind can touch everything, all of perceivable reality and beyond, then the limits are boundless. When the mind is so certain and rigid it finds itself separated from a total picture and must then self-verify through false sense of correctness, superiority, or power. The separated self must validate its position by any means of rationalization, even if distorted or dishonest.

For most people the path is a choice. The choice to self-actualization is through an intense connection to the deeper realities of everything- the mind, creation, music, nature, art, experience, the senses, and beyond. When one lets go of the self as separate, as best possible, one gains the self as whole and connected. One gains and gives the entire Universe.

Time, as we invent it, does not offer time enough for hatred, anger, greed, self-as-separate, oppression, or false reality. Including the self as an aspect of the external everything is timeless.

Narcissism is an extreme state of fear. When we expand our understanding beyond our immediate versions of reality the unknown becomes known and the boundaries are spread beyond misunderstanding and judgment that lead to such gripping fear. When we let go of our reactions of what we do not understand then we open new doors.

Love, humor, creation, breath, and deep experience allow the walls to fall. This is transcendental awareness- extending beyond the confines of self-as-separate rather than staring at the walls of the self-as-separate. It can not be gained without giving.

"So then, the relationship of self to other is the complete realization that loving yourself is impossible without loving everything defined as other than yourself." -Alan Watts

All you are is an experience of the self, which includes the experience of the internal and external. It is not only the body, not only the mind, not only the spirit, not only the attachment, not only the world, not only the cosmos, and not only somethingness or nothingness. There is in actuality no separateness.

Laren Grey Umphlett (@LarenUmphlett)


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