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Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday Commercialized Looting

For a prime example of apes at their most askew we can observe shoppers on psychotic parade one special day per year -BLACK FRIDAY.
This holiday (*and it is a legit holiday in the sense that it observes the purely religious-like worship of consuming worthless junk) ironically falls on the day after our most thankful and giving day -Thanksgiving. Once we get all of that thankful food-gorging out of the way we can feel a bit better about charging forward into the realms of every man/woman/child for themselves in the uniquely human quest for nothing.
The worthless junk we acquire on this holiday at a slight discount is not proportionate to the stress, energy, time, and lack of sleep commited to such acquisitions, but we apes gone askew will not be detered!
Black Friday commercialized looting is the not-too-distant cousin of old fashioned looting proper. The trampling sport commences.
Why do we do this? What is it about our uprightness that causes this behavior? Do we not get enough blood to our brains?
Be assured that these are primal survival attributes gone askew and misapplied to our modern context. In other words, most of us can't help ourselves. We love illusions. We buy illusions.
Whether looting is done out of political outrage, racial outcry, drunkenness, sports related furvor, desire for chaos, or in the case of Black Friday, pure senseless greed, we can be ready year after year to watch our fellow primates completely lose all faculty of mind as they go quite far askew.
Unfortunately commercialized looting is not victim free. There have been deaths and numerous injuries over the years. Not to mention the stall to our evolutionary progress this behavior activates in our genes.
For statistics of Black Friday related deaths and injuries go to...

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