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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Chakra-Circuit Model of Consciousness/Reality

All circuits of consciousness can be glimpsed or experienced by some, but generally people float around one level and oscillate down or up depending on many factors or contexts.  Through intentional practice, higher experiences, and even traumas one may affix into a higher level. Most humans are stuck in the lower levels of consciousness. 
Examples of levels:
1-2: All adult humans function within these first two levels.
3-4: Most humans also glimpse into these territorial citcuits. (Those who are stuck in political, religious, or cultural ideologies)
5-6: Artists, the creatively inclined, meditators, thrillseekers, scientists, philosophers, naturalists, Buddhists, the religiously enlightened, yoga practitioners may function primarily in the 5th and 6th circuits.
7: Higher yogis, mystics, psychics, monks, and others may be affixed in this higher circuit.
8: The Buddha, yogis in a state of Samadhi, Jesus, possibly extraterrestrial intelligences, potentially self-aware networked artificial inteligences. 

1 comment:

  1. Opening, cleansing, and closing chakras has the sole purpose of freeing stagnant energy. By keeping energy flowing, we can prevent blockages from forming, and physical manifestations (symptoms) of these blockages from appearing. You can cleanse your own chakras, as part of your nightly or weekly meditation, and you can do so as a general upkeep mechanism, or with the intention to free stagnant energy to heal a particular issue you are facing. At Britta Jean you can learn more about.
