Every day we are on the run doing things we need to do.
Well, "need" is a bit of a stretch. But we are fixated on getting a carrot that is always out of reach.
Most things that we think we "need" to do aren't really all that important.
So here's a good daily mental exercise that uses your imagination in your favor...
Every day, wherever you are, pretend as if you are on vacation in that place for the very first time.
There are two main steps:
1. Stop.
2. Smell roses.
When you are vacationing someplace you take the time to look around, but since you are generally accustomed to your usual daily surroundings you may find yourself uninterested in your surroundings and over-focused on whatever "needs" to happen next.
When you are on vacation nothing "needs" to be done next, and you find yourself with the extra time and presence of mind to look around and enjoy the present moment.
Well, you experience present moments at every present moment, continually. So look around and enjoy. You don't "need" to be doing anything right now.
Every day, every moment, is a vacation from something. Every moment has something new. Stop and smell the roses.