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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Vedic Evolution

It's hard to understand how ancient vedic wisdom understood advanced concepts such as quantum physics principles, astronomy, and evolution long before our modern times. Perhaps higher minds of the times could comprehend higher ideas.

HERE is a short article about the agreement between Hinduism and evolution.

It's interesting that eastern mindsets have very little problem with conceptualizing and aligning with science, but the western Aristotelian religious mindsets have a hard time allowing these understandings into their rigid view of reality. Times are changing though, and minds are expanding!

It does seem that the west has been lost for a long time, in psychology, medicine, philosophy, nature, and religion. Luckily science, eastern philosophies, and new ways of thought are finding their way into the western religious mindset and loosening up some of that limiting rigidity. We need a more open world. We need deeper understandings that stretch into the mystical and embrace the scientific at the same time.

It seems that many ancient philosophies such as Native American naturalism, Vedic sciences, Paganism, Shintoism, Buddhism, and others did not stray so far from the path as the western world did. But like the cycle of everything that builds up or breaks down, it also cyclically strays away and reconvenes. What's old is new and what's new is old.

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