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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Misadventures Of The "C-Word"

Words are tools. Sometimes tools become weapons. We all know that.
But we can sometimes turn a blunt tap into a sharp thrust with our over-sensitivity to words.
For example, a four letter word strikes deep at the hearts of some. This word starts with a "c" and ends with a "t", and although it isn't "cat" it seems to be loosely related to that word.
The "c-word" is that sharp effective and sometimes necessary screeching sound made when the blade of the sword strikes the crossguard of the opponent's weapon causing sparks to fly. This term of endearment is weilded with great skill by some, and rather foolishly by others.
It's a simple word: four little symbols arranged in a particular way, uttered by one and translated by another; felt by both. But to most humans on Earth the letters "c", "u", "n", and "t" are total jibberish,  regardless of what order they are in.
Words are what we allow them to be. To be honest, the "c-word " (like all words) does have a time and context for appropriate application.  Perhaps not as a general statement such as "All women are cuntaloons", but individually one person may feel and express that another specific person is a "cuntaloon ", and that person may reasonably retort. The cycle may then continue until exhaustion or boredom sets in....
or until whole nations are at war.
It depends.

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