Here's a piece I wrote for Meditation Masters....
Here's a piece I wrote for Meditation Masters....
1. Thou shalt not commit murder.
2. Thou shalt not rape.
3. Thou shalt not enforce opinions, ideologies, or beliefs as facts upon others.
"An ye harm none, do what thou wilt."
-The Wiccan Rede
The 23rd of every month (as well as other hidden days) is "Robert Anton Wilson Day, aka "Maybe Day".
On this day (and others) society will get a shot in the arm about the "maybe logic" of Robert Anton Wilson and related subjects (general semantics, NLP, the 8 circuits of consciousness, yoga, magick, etc).
For more about Robert Anton Wilson visit
All folks who know and live the collage of RAW thought shall share the knowledge with others on this day and on any day between.
If we use the letter G to represent God, and X to represent an unknown variable, and the following letters to represent beliefs, we can come up with even more confusion about God with a simple equation.
A=Baptists truth
B=Buddhists truth
C=a mosquito
E=Muslim truth
F=in a volcano
G=an old man in the clouds
H=the word
I= Protestant truth
J=Mormon truth
Then solve for X, G=X
What is G?
It can't be done. God remains an unknown variable as G=X, the equation of God.
If we were to say G=H or G=A or G=F or any other specific solution we would be introducing a set answer to a variable of multiple potentials (X).
If presented with X we should not assume that X is anything other than simply X, but we humans like to have answers or create answers to fit unknowns. So we say that X must be something, rather than letting X be X.
Unknowns are unknowns. Unknowns can't equal knowns until information is presented otherwise. Assumptions and beliefs don't cut it.