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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Crazy vs Guns

I am profoundly saddened by the idiocy around the gun issue in America. I shouldn't be so disappointed, because humans show idiocy about a great many subjects. This issue is extra disappointing because it is so simple and clear to me.
First let me say that I'm not a delusional crazed right wing gun nut who is blinded by ideology or political belief. I am simply an apolitical rationalist who happens to have a clearer head on my shoulders than most people.
With that said, here are several points about the gun issue....

●The unique paradigm of America  (and the unusual medication practices here) gives America a tenfold mental illness problem compared to the rest of the world.

●We don't blame the gun when a dentist kills an innocent lion. How can we blame a gun when a piece of shit shoots innocent people? It is such a diversion from the problem to not focus on the causes of maniacal behavior.

●It is a disservice to distract from the issue. You actually do harm to finding solutions by blaming guns. It is irresponsible to distract society from actual solutions by promoting guns as a scapegoat for maniacal behavior.

●Imagine if we treated arson in this way. Fire is as dangerous as guns. Imagine if we blamed matches for arson, instead of the mental derangement of the arsonist.

●It is pure ignorance to think that our society isn't severely deranged compared to most other civilized societies.

●Not only does the pharmaceutical industry lead to deranged mentalities in our society, it also directly kills exponentially more people than mass shootings. You should be out protesting against pharmaceutical companies on this issue.

●To this day, despite all the violence and insanity, I have yet to hear even one sensible reason as to why I (a fully sane and rational person) should not be allowed to have a gun.

●The concept of blaming a gun for the actions of people is so abstract and bizarre and off the mark that it wouldn't even enter my mind if a loved one was murdered. It actually takes the responsibility and accountability off of the murderer. Yet, guns are what many people directly blame. This shows how easily swayed people can be by emotion based logical fallacies.

Despite all of the sensible points I have offered above, I know that many of you will not agree with me, but just because you don't agree doesn't mean I'm wrong. I have no bias. The reasons I defend guns on this issue is not for political ideal or nationalism, but rather because (a) I think people should have the right to self defense, and (b) I hope to convince people to not be distracted from the real causes of this problem, and problems in general.
I have deep empathy for human suffering and I hope that humanity can focus on ending suffering as best possible.

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