To purchase the books "The Power of Perception" and "The Poetic Realities, The Poetic Fantasies" please visit Laren Grey Umphlett's Amazon author page:

Monday, November 23, 2015

Too Much Credit Given To The Tool

We live in a reality of action and reaction; cause and effect. This leads us to misunderstand the role of tools and actions. Far too often people credit (or blame) the tool for the action rather than the actor.
Below is a retort to common situations where the tool is blamed for the effect of the action...

Nobody was killed by guns.
No houses were built by hammers.
Nobody was saved by surgery tools.
Nobody who hanged themselves was killed by a rope.

We hear these logical fallacies often: It is the President's fault, it's your fault, it's their fault, it's because of guns, it's in God's hands, it's because of  this or that.

All the while the only thing accomplished is a passing off of personal responsibility. By "personal responsibility" I don't only mean the self (although self-accountability is a form of personal responsibility), but also the blame we assign to something arbitrary to the committer of actions. For example, a great many people blame all Muslims for the acts of Islamic extremists, they blame guns for the acts of murderers, they blame the alcohol for their buffoonery, they blame the President (scapegoat/figurehead) for the effects of a broken system.

Often the person is overlooked and we search for some factor that played a part in their actions, and there are external factors, but those external factors may have different effects on different persons. We can see this in experiments where results are not conclusive.

  • Some tests show that heavy metal music kills plants. Some tests show that heavy metal music helps plants grow. Heavy metal cannot be blamed entirely for bad actions.
  • Some Muslims study the Koran and (along with political influences) become violently radicalized. Some Muslims study the Koran and become vessels of peace. Islam cannot be blamed entirely for bad actions.
  • Some people take LSD and go insane. Some people take LSD and become enlightened. LSD cannot be blamed entirely for bad results.
  • Some people use guns to commit murder. Some people use guns for self-defense, sport, or hunting. The gun cannot be blamed for it's actions or use.
  • Some people eat chocolate and experience bliss. Some are allergic and almost die. Chocolate cannot be blamed entirely for death.
  • Some people use a hammer to build a house. Some people use a hammer to beat someone over the head. The hammer cannot be blamed entirely for the malicious intent.
  • Some people are rich and become greedy. Some people are rich and practice philanthropy and charity. The money cannot be blamed entirely for the greed of the individual.

Truthfully, we can change the battery of a car a hundred times, but that will never fix the broken transmission.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Simplistic Explanation Of The Modes Of Reality

In Hindu philosophy there is an excellent model of examining reality that states that the functions of reality operate in three modes (Gunas): Sattva, raja, and tamas, which translate to goodness, passion, and ignorance, or knowledge, attachment, and oblivion/destruction.
They vary like levels on an equalizer, or to use another analogy, like primary colors that mix to varying infinite colors.
All actions operate within the three modes. Ghandi acted mostly in the mode of goodness; Bill Gates in the mode of passion; Charles Manson in the mode of ignorance. This is a simplistic example. When we look at the world with the model of the three modes we can see the functions more clearly.

Bigotry = ignorance
Nationalism = goodness + ignorance
Terrorism = passion + ignorance
Greed = passion + ignorance
Fear = ignorance
Charity = goodness + passion
Art = goodness + passion
Ideology = goodness + ignorance or passion + ignorance
Belief = goodness + ignorance
Narcissism = passion + ignorance
Helping someone pick up something they dropped = goodness
Sharing knowledge = goodness
Sports = passion
Feeding the hungry = goodness
Politics = passion + ignorance
Teaching = passion + goodness
Science = passion
Lust = passion
Love = goodness
And so on...

We all live within varying degrees of these modes in a world that functions in these three modes.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Predicment, a Persian, but No Morbid Angel

Here is a story about one of my many interactions with Muslim people....

I have personally never had a negative experience with a Muslim person. I have encountered many over the years through daily life, wrestling life, and my cultural explorations, and I call several my friends. Yet, these days the ignorant masses try to assure us that these people are blood-thirsty monsters ready to kill us all. It simply is not true. Here's one story:

A couple of years ago I was driving from home base Austin TX to San Antonio to see a Morbid Angel concert. Just as I arrived on the outskirts of San Antonio my tire blew. No problem, I went out and did my manly deed of changing to the spare tire and continued down the road towards the concert venue. Then the old spare blew less than a mile down the road. Now I'm in a predicament, broken down on a dangerous overpass.

It was night and my phone was dying and there were no open tire places nearby. So I decided to walk to the nearest Walmart seven miles away to buy a spare so I could limp the Jeep back to Austin. At this point I had given up on my chances to get to the concert, but as luck would have it I would see Morbid Angel (with a proper musician line up) two times in the year after.

The plan was to buy a tire and take a cab back to the Jeep. The price of spare donut tires had risen considerably since I last noticed, and I spent almost all of my $100 to buy the best one that could last the trip home. I figured I could carry it the seven miles back since I had no money left for a cab.

I left the store with the tire on my left shoulder. I stood there at the parking lot curb thinking of what I could do. From my right I heard a man's voice with a Persian accent.

He said "Brother, do you need a cab?"
I replied "No thanks. I spent all my money on this tire. I can walk back to my Jeep."
"Flat tire? How far is it?" he asked.
"It's far. Just over seven miles." I answered.
He said "Pahlavan, I see your ear. I will help you. I will give you a ride for free."
("Pahlavan" is a wrestling reference in Iran that means "champion". His reference to my ear was about my cauliflower ear, which is noticeable damaged cartilage from years of wrestling. Wrestling is a national sport in Iran.)

He gave me a ride all the way back to my Jeep and wouldn't even accept the $2.37 change I had in my pocket. His kindness helped me out, and it motivated me to get my task done.

During the ride we had some light conversation.

Driver: "Where were you going in San Antonio? To see a girl?"
Me: "No. I was going to see a concert."
Driver: "Which concert?
Me: "Morbid Angel." 
Driver: "What kind of music is it?"
Me: "Heavy metal."
Driver: "Ah! Many people in my country like heavy metal!"

He dropped me off. I thanked him and he wished me well.

I put on the spare and drove 20 miles per hour on the service roads all the way back to Austin.

It was a long night for me, I missed the concert and spent many hours trying to solve the predicament, but it was made a little shorter and easier by a Muslim who treated me like a brother.

The moral lesson here about our society's general judgment about Muslims is one I had already learned, but it is worth sharing.

Friday, October 30, 2015

A Simple Dumb Test

Most people who are dumb do not realize that they are dumb.
(I use the word "dumb" here for possible need of a simple four letter terminology in case anyone dumb is reading this)
Dumb people usually think they know what they are talking about even when they don't. Hence the saying "Ignorance is bliss".
(Please note that I am not talking about relative intelligence here, but the actual limiting deficiency dumbness)

So how does one find out if they are dumb?

Here is a simple test:

Does the above photo meme make sense to you? Do you think it to be a valid position or argument?

If so, then you are dumb, too dumb to comprehend simple scientific and natural (and logical) processes.

Why are people dumb?
It isn't always a lack of education. Sometimes highly educated people are incredibly dumb.
Stupidity can be caused by a lack of education, a lack of experience (wisdom), bias, conditioning, belief, and even a steadfast adherence to one's own culture or group. There are many factors that can create the numbness of dumbness.

How did you do on this test?
Are you dumb?

Sunday, October 4, 2015

An Askew Of Apes

We've all heard the group names for various animals,
A gaggle of geese,
A flock is seagulls
A troop of gorillas,
A herd of buffalo,
A murder of crows,
A pack of wolves,
etc etc etc
From this day henceforth we shall refer to groups of people as an "askew of apes"!
Ex: "We could not find any peacefulness as we were surrounded by an askew of apes."
or...  "Look at that askew of apes gathering around that commotion."

Crazy vs Guns

I am profoundly saddened by the idiocy around the gun issue in America. I shouldn't be so disappointed, because humans show idiocy about a great many subjects. This issue is extra disappointing because it is so simple and clear to me.
First let me say that I'm not a delusional crazed right wing gun nut who is blinded by ideology or political belief. I am simply an apolitical rationalist who happens to have a clearer head on my shoulders than most people.
With that said, here are several points about the gun issue....

●The unique paradigm of America  (and the unusual medication practices here) gives America a tenfold mental illness problem compared to the rest of the world.

●We don't blame the gun when a dentist kills an innocent lion. How can we blame a gun when a piece of shit shoots innocent people? It is such a diversion from the problem to not focus on the causes of maniacal behavior.

●It is a disservice to distract from the issue. You actually do harm to finding solutions by blaming guns. It is irresponsible to distract society from actual solutions by promoting guns as a scapegoat for maniacal behavior.

●Imagine if we treated arson in this way. Fire is as dangerous as guns. Imagine if we blamed matches for arson, instead of the mental derangement of the arsonist.

●It is pure ignorance to think that our society isn't severely deranged compared to most other civilized societies.

●Not only does the pharmaceutical industry lead to deranged mentalities in our society, it also directly kills exponentially more people than mass shootings. You should be out protesting against pharmaceutical companies on this issue.

●To this day, despite all the violence and insanity, I have yet to hear even one sensible reason as to why I (a fully sane and rational person) should not be allowed to have a gun.

●The concept of blaming a gun for the actions of people is so abstract and bizarre and off the mark that it wouldn't even enter my mind if a loved one was murdered. It actually takes the responsibility and accountability off of the murderer. Yet, guns are what many people directly blame. This shows how easily swayed people can be by emotion based logical fallacies.

Despite all of the sensible points I have offered above, I know that many of you will not agree with me, but just because you don't agree doesn't mean I'm wrong. I have no bias. The reasons I defend guns on this issue is not for political ideal or nationalism, but rather because (a) I think people should have the right to self defense, and (b) I hope to convince people to not be distracted from the real causes of this problem, and problems in general.
I have deep empathy for human suffering and I hope that humanity can focus on ending suffering as best possible.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Some Of My Interesting Friends That You Should Follow

Some Of My Interesting Friends That You Should Follow

First let me say: Thank you for following me, Laren Grey Umphlett, and my "Apes Gone Askew!" project and my other projects.  
Now let me continue on to promoting my friends...

  • Steve Gibb

My lifelong friend Steve Gibb is an amazing and talented individual with great charm and wit. I would not be who I am today without his friendship.
He’s a multi-style musician who has played in metal bands such as Black Label Society, Crowbar, Kingdom of Sorrow, Jasta, and Saigon Kick. He also plays guitar for his father Barry Gibb, who is also an amazing individual. He is definitely a worthwhile person to follow and gain inspiration from. His life experiences have been vast and you may find his current experience and projects to be motivational.
Fan page:

  • Cesar Cabrera

I first met Cesar in the mid 90s and we’ve had a few adventures since then. He started grappling with me 20 years ago and has since gone on to become a black belt under Renzo Gracie and an excellent jiu-jitsu coach. He maintains his coolness to this day. I highly recommend following him and getting in some training with him if he’s ever in a town near you.
Instagram: @cesarcabrerabjj

  • Cheick Kongo

Cheick is a true badass with a cool demeanor and a fun sense of life. He’s a professional MMA fighter and well worth being a fan of.
Instagram: @kongo4real

  • Nael Chavez

Nael is an interesting person with a passion for doing well for the world. He’s a leading example not because of his greatness, but because he embraces his imperfections and tries to improve. In the process he improves the lives of those around him. He is the creator of the Enlightened Warriors youth group which I volunteer for when I can. You should definitely follow Nael and the Enlightened Warriors.

  • Amy Goalen

Amy is a California based photographer, and more specifically, a yoga photographer. If you are a fan of yoga and/or photography you should definitely follow her projects.
Instagram: @amygpics

  • Kamal Shalorus

Kamal is an energetic spirit to be around. He’s an amazing wrestler and MMA/UFC fighter. Always fun to be around and train with. He’s originally from Azerbaijan and now lives In Washington DC and visits Austin TX on a regular basis. Follow him!
Twitter: @kamalshalorus
Instagram: @kamalshalorus

  • Rudy Reyes

Rudy Reyes is a real life hero. His presence is energizing and he is as much of a student of life as he is a master. He was a former Recon Marine who was in the thick of it all and has since been on a life mission as a fitness trainer/motivator, spokesperson, model, actor in several films and shows, and a wandering warrior. Follow Rudy to keep motivated. Get his book “Hero Living”.
Twitter: @realRudyReyes
Instagram: @realrudyreyes

  • Brett Tutor

Brett is a great person. He is a tv host for home shows, tv and commercial actor, and also has a non-profit organization that raises money and awareness for drinking water needs around the world.
He also own Property Doctors, a home inspection company which I work for. He lets me have plenty of free time to dedicate to my causes and efforts in life. He’s a good soul and you will be seeing more from him in the public arena in the future.
Property Doctors:
Twitter: @BrettTutor


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Living Maximally

Many of us have interests, but not all interests are alike. Let's face it, many of our interests are mere entertainments within arms reach. The access is easier. The fact for many people is that it is easier to plop their arse in a bar stool rather than carry a kayak to the water and start paddling.

So many people are bored and don't know how to reach their interests, this is because the path not beaten requires heavy treading, so they opt for the easy effort and choose what is presented to them instead. They end up doing the standard and predictable: licking a sno cone at Sea World, giggling at lame TV, sitting around, shopping for nonsense, overemphasizing the importance of their work versus the importance of life, and just living a plain boring ordinary existence. Yet deep down inside we all yearn for more. There is more to life than the ordinary, but it takes effort to embrace. Life is just a fantasy and we can write the adventures of our own story.

The currency of life only returns based on investment.
It takes more units of energy to carry that kayak to the water, but the returns are more than ordinary experience can offer.

I think we should come to the understanding that life is not boring, but only boring to the lax brain, and that there are far more amazing and unique experiences available to us than a lifetime can possibly savor.

Something else extraordinary happens when a unique maximal life is embraced: the ordinary experiences take on a new dynamic. The simple things become as amazing as the extravagant. It all comes full circle.

Living maximally takes effort to find and cultivate, but living is worth the work.


If K(kayaking)=20 and D(drinking at the bar all night)=2 and E=effort (10), then...
KxE=20x10= a return of 200.
DxE=2x10= a retrn of 20.
Clearly the return of 200 at an expenditure of 20 is far better than a return of 20.
The K in this example is maximal.

Great adventures are not limited to the example of kayaking that is presented here. There are millions of extraordinary experiences to be had. There are unlimited resources for learning and self-enhancement. It is impossible to be bored and easy to live maximally when the value is realized.

I am trying every day to live maximally. I do this by the encouragement of others, and I encourage others to do the same, and to encourage the world around them.

(The purpose of this article is not to condemn drinking, but to use it as an example of an ordinary activity that most people engage in out of boredom and availability).

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Tickets For Two To Kepler 452b

Let's go to Kepler 452b.

But lets consider how long this will take. Kepler 452b is 1,400 light years away.
Getting to Kepler 452b with current space technology would take a very long time, and the trip wouldn't be survivable. But lets say the ship was durable and could carry the resources necessary (food, water, air, etc) to make the journey safely. Our current propulsion systems would get us there in about 22,500,000 years. That's so long, that assuming we had a cryochamber to sleep for millions of years during the journey, we would arrive there and awaken to find that humans back on Earth would be long gone and that they invented warp speed and colonized Kepler 452b and had lived there through eons of civilization and had since gone extinct there too. We might find statues of nations which had risen and fallen. We would find records of lifetimes we could not imagine. We would find great art and new masters and tales of new heroes that would rival the mythology of ancient Earth.
We might find a habitable world, or a world that was once habitable or never habitable, or a world that's habitat had been destroyed by the chaotic twists and turns of human civilization. We might even find intelligent non-human beings there.

We might also find the remains of some very strong people. Humans would have evolved great strength under the high levels of gravity on Kepler 452b. Humans would weight double their weight on Earth and would evolve strong bones, muscles, and hearts to handle it. We would find quite different creatures than what the weak and sickly humans were back on Earth.
We would also not be able to walk around when we arrive. After millions of years of space sleep and having frail human anatomy, we wouldn't be out for an easy stroll.

Suppose we don't have a space ship and chose to "walk" to Kepler 452b. If we walked at a brisk 225,000,000 years per light year, it would take us over 315,000,000,000 years!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

What Are My Political Beliefs?

What are my political beliefs? Sometimes people ask, but usually people assume, and they assume based on a small fraction of information. Some think I'm this or that or that or this. Depending on the topic, day, and mood I eventually can get stuffed into any political corner. I consider myself an "apolitical rationalist". I'm all over the map politically.

So, get to the point Laren. What are your political beliefs?

Well, the best way I can summarize it is that my political beliefs are simple, and it is this....
I think we should beat politicians with sticks.
It's that simple!
Have a great day.

"I dismiss the pachyderms and the asses in favor of my axons and dendrites."
-Laren Grey Umphlett
The Power of Perception